Midori reaches 200K downloads

Midori reaches 200K downloads on Uptodown

Midori & Puppy Linux
Midori Browser is a browser that has been characterized by being a light, fast and secure browser, but over time has taken more and more strength and relevance to the point of including in its approach privacy to users, information security and total transparency to users in the process of building the browser. Today we are celebrating today we reached 200K downloads on the Uptodown platform.

Uptodown & Midori

Uptodown is the only platform authorized by us to distribute our applications for Windows and Android, soon also for MacOS, Uptodown platform is a valuable ally for the distribution and impact of our applications in the market and we are grateful for allowing us to be there. We reached 200,000 downloads and it is an incredible achievement for us because within our strategy we have not yet contemplated paying for advertising, or ads, this achievement has been reached organically.

Thanks to the metrics provided by Uptodown we know that 90% of the users who download Midori from Uptodown, continue using Midori which so far has added to our user base a total of 180,000 users with a loss of 20,000 since Midori is published on this platform, which makes it a double success.


We thank all users, the Midori community and all those people who make Midori possible, as well as the gratitude for placing their trust in us, a special thanks to cuates.net, josejp24, nilsonmorales, Francy Curico, Jacopo, Tony, among others.

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